A. JEWEL WEB 3.0 website is almost ready. We are currently collaborating with the Hollywood team to create mind-blowing content. JEWEL will debut as one of the creations from the Father of Marvel, Stan Lee. There will be more details released in the future.
B. The development of JEWEL NFT joint to the HGOLD marketing, which leads the HGOLD playing an important role in JEWEL NFT sales.
C. Carry on the concept of sub-centralization, JEWEL NFT will start its community channels; everyone in the community could participate in the development of JEWEL’s story. We are hoping to make JEWEL more dynamic and popular along with the community growth.
D. JEWEL development is completely different from the other Hollywood IPs. By carrying on the spirit of blockchain, JEWEL is going to be the creation of our community participating efforts. Everyone could contribute their ideas and talent to help with JEWEL creation. Thanks to community power, JEWEL will become the influenced character in the world.
2. HollyVerse
More updates on our VR concert production. The contents we had recorded last week are moving on to the next stage by the Singaporean post-production team. We expected the exciting content is around the corner to show! We are using the HTC VIVE 3D VR system as the video and audio interface tool connecting the Hollyverse contents, and we are communicating with the HTC team for technology collaboration.

Testing the HTC VIVE 3D VR system
3. NFT Marketplace
EnTech NFT Galaxy, known as NFT Marketplace, will officially be launched at the end of March 2022. Instead of 2D and 3D NFT technologies, you could also enjoy our patent technology, 6D NFT, only on our marketplace that would disrupt the current NFT market ecosystem!