Star Club 90-Days Staking Protocol
To boost the exposure of HGOLD to potential holders and increase the community consensus, HollyGold held the first DAO activity in November to decide on the new staking protocol. As the DAO had been approved, we are now officially announcing the 90-days staking start from January 2022. Get your HGOLD ready and stake on 4 January 2022 at 8PM (PST); for this staking, you would get the special mining rates as below:

Annual Mining Rate:
Sun: 1%
Polaris: 2% (HGOLD 2%)
Vega: 3% (HGOLD 3%)
Sirius: 4% (HGOLD 2% + EZX 2%)
1. Your Star Club level determines your minimum staking amount.
2. The staking protocol will start on 4 January, 2022, 20:00 (PST), you can change your staking amount before the registration deadline of 12 January 2022, 00:00 (PST)
3. If you upgrade your level at Star Club before the deadline and you want to stake as the current level, you must meet the minimum requirement of your current level amount. [Apply to rule (1)]
For example:
Assuming that you are Polaris
1. Your minimum staking amount is 3,000 HGOLD to stake as Polaris
【Rule (1)】
2. You can increase the staking amount of HGOLD before 12 January 2022, 00:00 (PST)
【Rule (2)】
3. If you have already registered as Polaris to stake 5,000 HGOLD. And you level up to Vega before the deadline, your minimum staking amount becomes 30,000 HGOLD if you want to upgrade your mining rate as a Vega. Therefore, you need to stake 30,000 – 5,000 = 25,000 HGOLD